Today (Wednesday, March 1) is Ash Wednesday. Today we begin an intentional journey with Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb. Let’s walk this road together by: Worshipping together on Ash Wednesday tonight at 7:15 PM in our Chapel Daily reading…
Author Archive
How We Read the Bible
Our denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church, believes in the centrality of God’s Word. One of our foundational Covenant Affirmations is the conviction that states that “the Holy Scripture, the Old and New Testament, is the Word of God and the…
Now’s the Time: Community Bible Experience (CBE)
We restarted our Community Bible Experience this past Monday. For the next eight weeks (February 6 thru April 7) we will be engaging God’s Word together, specifically the books of Joshua thru Samuel/Kings. I’ve heard that many of us struggled…
My Sermon this Sunday
For several weeks now I have been thinking and praying about my sermon this Sunday (January 15th). I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to preach on how we can be a faithful community of followers of Jesus Christ in…
What Happens When We Pray?
Beginning this Sunday, we will once more share in a longstanding Covenant tradition of Prayer Week. Each January, Covenanters across North America are encouraged to spend a week focused on prayer. Our Evangelical Covenant Church resources us with a special…
Of Course We Will!
In my time as your pastor, the first time Christmas Day fell on Sunday was in 2009. I remember our Worship & Arts Team discussed what we should do about our worship gatherings given that reality. After all, by this…
Read, Listen and Savor
Of all the wonderful readings and beautifully sung lyrics during last Saturday’s “Seven Stories of Christmas” Advent program, it was the poem by Anne Bronte that continues to linger with me Entitled “Music on Christmas Morn.” This work written by…
AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I hate mini lights!
…that’s what I was shouting as I tried to untangle a string of mini lights this past Monday. Charlotte and I had set aside that day to do some Christmas decorating and my freezing fingers contrasted with my soon-to-boil over…
Now is the Time for that New Year’s Resolution
When the calendar flips over to a new year, many of us like to say we’re going to do a few things differently beginning soon after January 1st. We tweak our lifestyles, resolve to make better choices and start afresh….
A Great Sunday Awaits!
I think for many of us, it’s one of our favorite Sundays of the year: Giving Thanks Sunday. It’s a Sunday that roots us deeper in Christ and to one another in special ways. We worship together and during that…