Beginning this Sunday, we will once more share in a longstanding Covenant tradition of Prayer Week. Each January, Covenanters across North America are encouraged to spend a week focused on prayer. Our Evangelical Covenant Church resources us with a special Prayer Week devotional for this emphasis. At Edgebrook Covenant, we also provide a special prayer resource and special gatherings to encourage the ministry of intercessory prayer. Both these print resources will be available this Sunday, January 8th.
What happens when we pray? That’s a really good question! Come to worship this Sunday at Edgebrook and let’s find some of the answers together as we unpack the story found in Acts 12:1-19 (my sermon text for this Sunday).
Finally, I urge you to come to one of the following prayer meetings we are offering this week. The only way to experience what happens when we pray together is to get together to pray! Here’s the schedule:
- Sunday, January 8, 7 PM: Hosted by the Ranieri family
- Tuesday, January 10, 7:15 PM: Hosted by our Deacons at Edgebrook Covenant Church
- Wednesday, Jan. 11, 11AM: Hosted by Ginny Ware
- Wednesday, Jan. 11, 6:00 PM: Hosted at the parsonage (potluck at 6 pm; prayer following the meal, 7 pm)
- Thursday, Jan. 12, 7:30 PM: Hosted by the Fuseks
Prayer is as vital to our spiritual well being as breathing is to our physical well being. We know what happens when we stop breathing. Let’s find out what happens when we start praying!
Prayerfully yours, Pastor Greg