Edgebrook Covenant Church’s vision is that we be a people who are:
Our vision statement starts, as it should, with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that in order for life to genuinely flourish we must be rightly related to God through the reconciling love of God extended to humanity by the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The experience of new life in Christ naturally and rightfully expresses itself in praise to God.
Following Jesus is never a solo pursuit – it always includes belonging to others who have found new life in Christ. The work of creating a loving community is never easy but always worth it, as it is the collective body of Christ, formed in love, that is the most powerful witness of the truth of the gospel message.
This community of love has two equally important priorities: to build up those who belong to it, but, equally important, to seek others to join it by faithfully living out the mission of God to extend God’s kingdom reign on earth. Evangelism, social justice, striving for peace while serving first the least, the lost, and the forgotten, are essential elements of life together at Edgebrook Covenant Church.
Adopted at the Congregational Annual Meeting of January 31, 2016
Behavioral Covenant
A core value of our congregation is recognizing that creating a loving community requires honesty, integrity and an ability to truly continue to care for one another, even when we disagree on important matters. Towards that goal, our church community adopted a Behavioral Covenant in 2010 that we have sought to follow and live into as a church family. This Behavioral Covenant reads as follows:
Q: How will we behave and live together, especially when we don’t understand or agree with each other?
A: The people of Edgebrook Covenant Church will:
- Honor and affirm each other as people created in God’s image;
- Communicate with each other by listening and speaking openly, honestly, and respectfully;
- Seek and extend grace and forgiveness in relationship with each other;
- Love, care and pray for each other.