Let’s Walk This Road Together

Today (Wednesday, March 1) is Ash Wednesday. Today we begin an intentional journey with Jesus through the cross to the empty tomb. Let’s walk this road together by:

  • Worshipping together on Ash Wednesday tonight at 7:15 PM in our Chapel
  • Daily reading the devotional, “Moving Toward the Cross,” given to each household by our deacons
  • Attending each Sunday morning worship during this Lenten season (more on that in a moment)

Many people find it helpful to try a new spiritual practice (“giving up something for Lent” is one expression of this) as a way of reminding them of Christ’s sacrifice on their behalf. Let me suggest one healthy practice. As much as possible, stay current on your reading of the Old Testament using your Community Bible Experience (CBE) Books of the Bible / Covenant History book. To get even more from this practice, try to attend a weekly CBE small group! The location and times of these groups are listed on our website and in our Sunday bulletin.

During the Lenten season, our Sunday sermons will be taken from texts read that week from the Old Testament / CBE Bible. In addition, each Sunday service will feature a theme relevant to the Lenten season. Visually, our sanctuary will reflect these themes and these will be highlighted in worship as well. The themes are:

  • Sunday, March 5:      Humility
  • Sunday, March 12:    Serve/Service
  • Sunday, March 19:    Believe/Belief
  • Sunday, March 26:    Sacrifice
  • Sunday, April 2:         Surrender
  • Sunday April 9:          Praise (Palm Sunday)

Perhaps a good Lenten discipline for us all will be to come to church each Sunday (if health or work doesn’t interfere) over the next 40 days.

Through CBE small groups, Sunday worship, Scripture and devotional readings, we have the opportunity to walk this road together. Let’s do it with all earnestness and purpose and see where the Holy Spirit takes us!

Expectantly, Pastor Greg

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