August 14 – 24, 2016 [table id=1 /] UPCOMING EVENTS Click here to view a list of upcoming events at Edgebrook Covenant Church. Click here to view Edgebrook Covenant Church’s monthly calendar.
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Where We Gather in Our Building
The large building on the north side of the property. We meet here for worship. There are restrooms and coat racks located by the west entrance of the sanctuary in the entry area called the narthex.
The large room located on the upper level of our building at the southwest end. Coffee hour (following worship) and other meetings take place in the chapel. Entry is through the courtyard doors and then to your right, or through the doors at the west end of the chapel.
Anderson Room
The lounge area at the east end of the upper level of our building (between the chapel and sanctuary). Choir rehearsal, the Thursday Women’s Bible Study, and other meetings are held there. There is a kitchenette to the south of the Anderson Room and a bathroom right by the kitchenette.
VERITAS is a word many of us at Edgebrook have heard over the past year or so, but maybe we’re not sure what it is, or what it has to do with us. Here’s a little background, so everyone will have a better understanding of Veritas.
Quoting from the Veritas workbook, the words of Dr. John Wenrich and the Veritas Teaching Team: “Veritas means ‘truth’ in Latin. Jesus said, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ (John 8:32)….Veritas helps churches to confront their current reality with faith, honesty and hope.”
Edgebrook Covenant Church is using Veritas as a tool, to assess who and what we are, what needs to be affirmed, what needs to be changed, and how we can be open to
Respecting Our Church
Our church is blessed to have so many families with children, however, kids will be kids! Parents and adults, we need your help to teach our children proper respect for our church. How can you help? Here are a few suggestions:
- If you see a child running in the sanctuary, stop and explain that this room is where we worship God.
- Make sure that children know that Coffee Hour food and beverages should be limited to the Chapel area only and not carried throughout the church.
- Fellowship Hall is a great place for fun and games, just ask any kid, but the room needs to be prepared for such fun. This means that
Be a Prayer Warrior!
Edgebrook Covenant’s Diaconate especially welcomes your prayers for our many ministries. Here are some suggestions for prayer.
- Pray alone in personal devotions. Pray when you’re waiting at a stoplight… or in the grocery store line… while you are commuting to or from work… or when the kids are sleeping… or you are working out. Use the centering prayer we learned in our Lenten services… or shoot “arrow” prayers heavenward whenever and wherever God reminds you.
- Pray with others. Ask a friend(s) to covenant with you to pray at a certain time each week. It might be in person… or on the phone… or in spirit. Check in with each other(s) to hold ourselves accountable.
- Pray with those in your household. Roommates and children are great pray-ers
Meals Ministry
So often, cooking a meal is an additional stressor during a busy or challenging time. Edgebrook Covenant Church considers it a calling and honor to provide families in our congregation with meal service following the arrival of a new little one or during a time of grief or physical ailment.
If you or someone you know in this congregation would be blessed to receive a home-cooked meal for one of the reasons listed, please do not be bashful in letting us know! Contact Melissa Velez Luce, our Meals Ministry Coordinator, at 773.787.5176 or via email at
Interested in helping out? All you need to do is contact Melissa to get your name on the list, and you’ll be contacted as opportunities arise. Meals can be homemade
A Just Harvest Community Kitchen
A Just Harvest Community Kitchen (formerly Good News Community Kitchen) is a response to hunger in the Rogers Park community of Chicago and represents a unique collaboration of religious and secular organizations in the metropolitan area. These organizations support the Kitchen financially, with in-kind donations of food and hands-on volunteer assistance.
The Kitchen began as a ministry of the Good News Community Church (UCC) in 1983 and began serving meals a few days per week in the “North of Howard” neighborhood of Rogers Park, the furthest northern border of Chicago. Today, with the help of more than thirty partnering congregations and community organizations, A Just Harvest is the highest capacity community kitchen in the metropolitan Chicago area and is the only community kitchen that serves a hot nutritious meal
Crafty Angels
Calling all knitters, crocheters, and sewing enthusiasts!
Edgebrook Covenant Church has a “crafty” ministry – crocheting, knitting, and sewing to provide hats, scarves, mittens, sweaters, blankets, toys, and baby clothes for needy families – to be distributed through a variety of ministries in Chicago, across the United States, and overseas. We’ll supply the patterns, training, yarn, and fabric – you supply the time, heart, and care.
You can help the Crafty Angels by donating yarn, money, or joining our Crafty Angel knitters and crocheters. Contact Rev. Chris Pokorny (773.594.0541) to learn more and become involved. Also, see the Crafty Angels blog at
Local Missions
YOU can help!
Edgebrook Covenant Church actively supports a variety of local missions including Crafty Angels, Cornerstone Community Outreach, Leland House, The North Park Friendship Center, Good News Community Kitchen, and The Community Garden Project.
Crafty Angels is a knitting ministry that provides hand knitted gloves, scarves, mittens, afghans, prayer shawls, and hand made blankets for the need locally, nationally and around the world. YOU CAN HELP by donating yarn, money, or joining our Crafty Angel knitters and crocheters. Contact Rev. Chris Pokorny (773.594.0541) to learn more and become involved. Also, see the Crafty Angels blog at
Cornerstone Community Outreach & Leland House provide shelter and programs for the homeless on Chicago’s north side. Both of these shelters are part of the ministry of
Faithfulness in Giving
Written by the Department of Stewardship
What is “biblical faithfulness” when it comes to giving money?
Many Christians point to the tithe as the biblical standard for giving. Several passages in the Old Testament command giving 10% of the increase of fields, flocks, and vineyards. Such tithes were given on specific occasions to be used to express worship and help carry out God’s mission.
The New Testament broadens our understanding of tithing
Jesus did not teach that the tithe was to be abandoned. On the contrary, He assumed that God’s people would practice tithing (Matthew 23:23), but He went beyond it. He taught a broader understanding of generosity under