Our church is blessed to have so many families with children, however, kids will be kids! Parents and adults, we need your help to teach our children proper respect for our church. How can you help? Here are a few suggestions:
- If you see a child running in the sanctuary, stop and explain that this room is where we worship God.
- Make sure that children know that Coffee Hour food and beverages should be limited to the Chapel area only and not carried throughout the church.
- Fellowship Hall is a great place for fun and games, just ask any kid, but the room needs to be prepared for such fun. This means that the Sunday school dividers need to be put off to the side and other church property needs to be put in a safe area before any such fun begins. Church dividers should never be used as a part of any fun and games! Also, encourage our children to clean up when they’re done and to keep play under control so that no one and no property gets hurt.
- Remember that your children are your responsibility. If you have a child playing within the church area, please make it a regular practice to check on them for their own safety, and your peace of mind.
Church is a great place for worship, fellowship, and fun. Let’s just make sure we respect the church by choosing the right rooms for the right activities. Let’s also remember to always respect the church property.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
The Christian Education Board of Edgebrook Covenant Church
Thanks for putting in this brief article! Sometimes I feel I’m the only one “yelling” at the kids as they run around at coffee hour, but I do it out of genuine concern for their safety and that of the adults between whom they dart. I hope many people will take time to read these safety guidelines and use them!