About Edgebrook Covenant

Where We Gather in Our Building

The large building on the north side of the property. We meet here for worship. There are restrooms and coat racks located by the west entrance of the sanctuary in the entry area called the narthex.

The large room located on the upper level of our building at the southwest end. Coffee hour (following worship) and other meetings take place in the chapel. Entry is through the courtyard doors and then to your right, or through the doors at the west end of the chapel.

Anderson Room
The lounge area at the east end of the upper level of our building (between the chapel and sanctuary). Choir rehearsal, the Thursday Women’s Bible Study, and other meetings are held there. There is a kitchenette to the south of the Anderson Room and a bathroom right by the kitchenette.

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Evangelical Covenant Church History

Historical Statement from the Preamble to Our Constitution and Bylaws

The Evangelical Covenant Church has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, in the biblical instruction of the Lutheran State Church of Sweden, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century. These three influences have in large measure shaped its development and are to be borne in mind in seeking to understand its distinctive spirit.

The Covenant Church adheres to the affirmation of the Protestant Reformation regarding the Holy Scriptures, the Old and the New Testament, as the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. It has traditionally valued the historic confessions of the Christian church, particularly the Apostles’ Creed, while at the same time

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Affirmations of the Covenant Church

Both Covenanters and newcomers often seek to understand the faith of the Evangelical Covenant Church in a nutshell. Our creed is the Bible itself. Such a confession does not tell us how little Covenanters believe, but how much they believe. It does, however, make it difficult for us to express our faith in a nutshell. Some years ago the Committee on Covenant Doctrine attempted such a statement, which it entitled Covenant Affirmations. It is in no sense a confession or creed. It does, we believe, help to clarify the context out of which Covenant faith and life are expressed.

As you read this brief document, we hope you will come to understand what the Covenant means when it calls itself an apostolic church, a catholic church, a Reformation church, and an evangelical church

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Sixty Years at Edgebrook

A Church Family Member Remembers
   by Ann-Helen Anderson

Edgebrook Covenant's 60th Anniversary logo

September 15, 1941 was a beautiful, warm day in Chicago.  On that day the Edgebrook Evangelical Mission Covenant Church was dedicated to God’s service in its new home.  New home?  Where was it before?  The congregation transplanted itself from Humboldt Park in Chicago, an area where its ministry to the community was waning.  After years of prayer and hard work, the Humboldt Park parent congregation broke ground in the then-sparsely populated Edgebrook community and proceeded to build a church (now our Chapel), trusting God to grow the church and bless the neighborhood. Pastor Titus N. Pohl (1936-1944) presided over the ground breaking

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Guide to Our Worship Service

We have created this guide to assist visitors in their participation in our Sunday services.  We want everyone to understand why we do what we do during this time, for we believe this is the most important hour of each week.

What Exactly is Worship?

To worship God is to ascribe to God’s supreme worth.  God is both the subject and object of worship, meaning worship is both for God, and about God.  It is always active and participatory.  Worship is not something your observe; rather , it is something you DO.  Worship is both private and public.  It is done both individually and in groups.  When done individually, worship is mainly contemplative.  When done in groups (called the church or congregation), worship is celebrative, as the congregation

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Eight Dimensions of Our Church

The Evangelical Covenant Church believes there are eight major areas where a local Covenant church can work to fulfill Christ’s mission of bring people the word of God.  Here’s how Edgebrook Covenant Church works in those eight key areas:

Bible-Based Learning

  • Worship/preaching
  • Adult Sunday School and Inquirers’ Classes
  • Children and Youth Sunday School
  • Special emphases (weekend seminars, seasonal opportunities, etc.)
  • Small Group opportunities
  • Confirmation
  • Vacation Bible School (one week in summer)
  • Summer camping program – participating in Central Conference Camping Opportunities

Celebrative Worship

  • Sunday morning – Communion on the first Sunday of the month (usually)
  • Seasonal worship opportunities (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter)
  • Children’s Choir
  • Youth worship
  • Choir and worship ensembles
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Our Vision Statement

Evangelical Covenant Church’s vision is to develop fully devoted followers of Christ who are grounded in the Word, vibrant in worship, connected to one another, using individual gifts and reaching the world.

Central to the achievement of this Vision are these Core Values:

To enrich the life of our Christian community and reach out to the unchurched through our worship.  Our worship is Biblically based and creatively expressed, blending the richness of our liturgical tradition with the freshness expressed in the Church today by men, women, and children. 
   Deuteronomy 10:20-21, Psalm 95, John 4:23-24

To give priority to knowing and applying the Scriptures to all areas of our lives, through all stages of our lives.  We desire to be a community shaped by the Word

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Who We Are

Our congregation is a member of The Evangelical Covenant Church, which has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, in the biblical instruction of the Lutheran Church of Sweden, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century.

As a church fellowship, we believe in the tenets of evangelical Christianity. Among these are: belief in the authority of the Bible; the necessity of spiritual life through a personal relationship of faith with Jesus Christ; the significance of the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian; the unity of all true Christians; and the obligation of the world-wide missionary task.

As a church we affirm the reality of freedom in Christ, which allows for differences of

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