What a special time together we shared in this past weekend! From start to finish, it was a grand celebration of the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God’s people (both past and present!) and the hopefulness of the Gospel and our partnership with the Holy Spirit in God’s kingdom work for the future.
Typical of our church, so many gave sacrificially of their time and treasure to make our 75th Anniversary weekend a reality. A hearty thank you to all the many volunteers who contributed to the success of our Organ/Piano Concert and Hymn Sing on Friday, the Fall Fest Outreach on Saturday and our 75th Anniversary Worship & Luncheon on Sunday. A special word of gratitude to our hard working 75th Anniversary committee.
To really appreciate something of the significance of our ministry together, I encourage you to spend some time perusing the memory book that you received last Sunday. What you will find in its pages will help you understand better the part we together play in moving forward the kingdom of God.
Remember, our president Rev. Gary Walter reminded us in his sermon last Sunday that the only way to move the kingdom of God forward is through the faithful partnership and participation of God’s people in the ministry and mission of God. Time and time again, you, Edgebrook Covenant Church, have stepped up to that challenge! Time and time again, you have been faithful to God’s call and have given sacrificially of your personal resources (time, money, witness, etc.) to insure that opportunities to extend the reach of the Gospel would not be missed. As your pastor, I am so grateful for the spirit of sacrifice, generosity and openness to respond to Christ’s call. It all bodes well for the next 75 years of life together as Edgebrook Covenant Church!