
Faithfulness in Giving

Photo of an offering plateWritten by the Department of Stewardship

What is “biblical faithfulness” when it comes to giving money?

Many Christians point to the tithe as the biblical standard for giving.  Several passages in the Old Testament command giving 10% of the increase of fields, flocks, and vineyards.  Such tithes were given on specific occasions to be used to express worship and help carry out God’s mission.

The New Testament broadens our understanding of tithing

Jesus did not teach that the tithe was to be abandoned.  On the contrary, He assumed that God’s people would practice tithing (Matthew 23:23), but He went beyond it. He taught a broader understanding of generosity under

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Evangelical Covenant Church History

Historical Statement from the Preamble to Our Constitution and Bylaws

The Evangelical Covenant Church has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, in the biblical instruction of the Lutheran State Church of Sweden, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century. These three influences have in large measure shaped its development and are to be borne in mind in seeking to understand its distinctive spirit.

The Covenant Church adheres to the affirmation of the Protestant Reformation regarding the Holy Scriptures, the Old and the New Testament, as the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. It has traditionally valued the historic confessions of the Christian church, particularly the Apostles’ Creed, while at the same time

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Affirmations of the Covenant Church

Both Covenanters and newcomers often seek to understand the faith of the Evangelical Covenant Church in a nutshell. Our creed is the Bible itself. Such a confession does not tell us how little Covenanters believe, but how much they believe. It does, however, make it difficult for us to express our faith in a nutshell. Some years ago the Committee on Covenant Doctrine attempted such a statement, which it entitled Covenant Affirmations. It is in no sense a confession or creed. It does, we believe, help to clarify the context out of which Covenant faith and life are expressed.

As you read this brief document, we hope you will come to understand what the Covenant means when it calls itself an apostolic church, a catholic church, a Reformation church, and an evangelical church

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